E-Jets Update 0.9.20 available

We love our plans, especially when we are ahead of schedule. At least that’s the case for the E170/175 today.

This update again contains some bug fixes and improvements. Most importantly, however, is a fix that prevented activation for some users. This should now be solved.And is that it for this year? Well, we have another small update planned for the E170/175 in December. And then there is the new release of the E190/195. We are currently fixing the last bugs and are confident that we will be able to release the long E-Jet versions in December. Although it is technically based on its smaller sister, it has a few new features, such as the Steep Approach mode and an optionally selectable Head Up Display for the pilot and/or copilot. We will give you more detailed information shortly before release.

What about the custom flight management system and custom LNAV and VNAV? We are working tirelessly and plan to give you a look behind the scenes so that you can see where we are and what still needs to be done. As you might have seen in other projects, this is a very complex and lengthy task and we want to take you on a journey and explain a few details that are important in the development of such a complex system. We will publish a corresponding blog post in 1-2 weeks.

For now, have fun e-jetting.


Bug Fixes

#1524 - E170 S7 livery sound

E170 - S7 livery previously missing all sounds. It's fixed now.

#1520 - GPU - Battery not charging

Adjust some logic to ensure the GPU now charging the batteries as well when connected.

#1501 - Roll spoiler deployment triggers false EICAS MSG

The roll spoiler deployment previously triggers false EICAS mesage SPDBRK LEVER DISAG. Now it is fixed.

#1435 - E170 & E175 .fx files sync

The particle effect file previously not synced between E170 and E175. It is synced now.

#1523 - Nav Lights showing as squares

Adjust the NAV lights so it does not shown as squares when zoomed out.

#1504 - Ignition switch cover

The markings of the ignition switch were seen through the cover although positioned right under the decal on the cover. It is now adjusted

#1543 - GroundService on EFB does not work

Some users experiencing the Ground Service on EFB does not work after the latest patch. It is now fixed.

#1464 - Pressing FPA button triggers ALT

When pressing the FPA button, the ALT button triggered to be pressed as well. The logic now updated.


#1510 - Adjust digits on PFD DME readout

The DME readout on the PFD had fewer digits according to the reference. It is improved.

#1511 - V/S Indication resolution below 1000ft

For vertical speed below 1000 ft, the V/S indication has 50 fpm resolution while in simulation only have 100 fpm resolution. It is improved now.

#1513 - V/S Selection resolution below 1000fpm

The PFD V/S selection currently showing only the resolution of 100 fpm while the reference show that when selecting the V/S under 1000fpm the resolution is 50 fpm. It is updated.