E-Jets Update 0.9.29 available

This time we are totally in freighter mode. Of course, all other versions have been updated as well, but we are especially happy about our new freighter expansion, which is even free for many of you!

How to get

All customers who have both the E170/175 package and the E190/195 package will be able to use the Freighter variant free of charge.

Please head over to Aerosoft One or Contrail and check if the Freighter variant is ready for download. If it is, go ahead and enjoy! If not, please claim your free serial here.

Customers who currently only own one E-Jets package only have the choice:

  • To purchase the other missing E-Jets package and get the freighter for free.
  • To purchase the freighter here as a stand-alone product.

The standalone Freighter product is currently offered at a reduced preferential price (at least during the Early Access period). If you do not yet own any E-Jets products, this offers a favorable first entry into our Embraer world. Please note, however, that there will be no discount on the E17X and E19X packages, even if you have purchased the Freighter separately. Our recommendation is therefore to invest in the E17X and E19X packages in the long term and receive the Freighter free of charge.


Marketplace & Xbox

We will bring the Freighter to the Microsoft Marketplace as the first E-Jets variant as soon as we receive all necessary details from Microsoft. Currently, we are still waiting for the mandatory localization package. Our plan is also to bring it to Xbox, but testing has not yet started. We will keep you posted.


What else?

The most important new feature in this update across all variants is the new EICAS, which now runs completely in WASM. Visually, you should hardly notice any difference, but a lot has changed in the background. This migration took us many weeks of work, but it was urgently needed. To have a standardized code base in the future and leverage the corresponding performance advantages, we need all instruments in WASM. As of today, we have the PFD, the IESS, and the EICAS in WASM. The MFD and the MCDU are still pending.

In addition, a number of quality-of-life (QoL) improvements have been made. For example, the FMS speed mode no longer fluctuates during cruise, the master caution light works again, and the GSX configurations have been improved. There are also several new CAS messages.



The next big milestone will be to migrate the MCDU to WASM, also as a basis for the new custom FMS. But this will also take several weeks, so please be patient. After all, it is a very complex system and we want to migrate the current status as error-free as possible before the new FMS code is installed.

June will also see the start of our annual and well-deserved E-Jets team vacation. If we do not have to make any important hot fixes in the meantime, the next E-Jets update will be published on July 16th.

However, this does not mean that no work is being done on other projects. We will have our own stand at the FSExpo in Las Vegas. We strongly advise anyone who can make it to stop by and see us. It will be absolutely worth it - we will be showing you a new project that you can try out right away. We hope to see you there!


Bug Fixes

#1833 - Fixed missing IRS Aligning EICAS message

Missing EICAS message when IRS alignment is fixed

#2026 - Fixed incorrect FMS needles behavior

Updated the incorrect FMS needles behavior when capturing ILS from PREV

#2032 - Fixed missing engine sounds from rear

Updated the sound packs which previously causes engine sounds not heard from the rear

#2038 - Fixed plan waypoint/range scroll behavior

Updated the logic for plan waypoint/range scroll incorrect behavior

#1841 - Fixed incorrect assigned Multifunction Spoilers

Fixed the multifunction spoilers to work when tested in both direction

#1923 - Fixed E-Jets popout panels

Fixed the popout panels to not work when the electrical is OFF

#2046 - Fixed incorrect ATTCS display

Fixed decimal numbers to shown near ATTCS display

#2020 - MFD-Plan: Centering switching not working

Fixed the centering switching on MFD-Plan page

#1979 - Fixed dual cue lateral bar behavior on takeoff

Fixed incorrectly drifting dual cue lateral bar during takeoff

#2061 - Fixed floating windshield wipers

Updated the windshield wipers so it doesn't float

#2069 - Fixed Master Caution not flashing

Fixed the Master/Caution not flashing when it should be triggered

#1695 - Fixed Paintkit: Wing boundary issue

Updated the Paintkit to fix the wing boundary issue

#2059 - Fixed F1/F4 shortcut respond issue

Updated the shortcuts to work, especially the Throttle Cut and Throttle Max

#1971 - Fixed Middle Click incorrectly affects throttle behavior

Updated the incorrectly Throttle Max/Throttle Cut to triggered when using middle click near the throttle lever

#2054 - Fixed throttle response

Fixed the throttle response where previously too slow

#2027 - Fixed throttle behavior when RETD mode active

Updated the logic implemented when RETD mode active

#2065 - Fixed spoilers not visible on MFD during test

Updated the MFD display logic to show spoilers movement during ground test

#1859 - Fixed AC fuel pumps mislabeled

Fixed incorrect AC Fuel Pumps label

#1745 - Fixed Master/Caution Glow

Updated the Master/Caut glow

#2062 - E19x: Fixed Send to MCDU wrong flap selection

Fixed the incorrect flap selected when using Send to MCDU feature in E19x


#1961 - Reduced APU sounds and adjusted wind sounds

APU and wind sounds level now imroved

#1620 - Adjusted Turnaround configuration

Updated the configuration set by the Turnaround feature

#2031 - Implemented IDG 1(2) OIL CAS message

CAS MSG: IDG 1(2) OIL now implemented on the correct logic

#2057 - EICAS drawing logic Optimized

Improved EICAS drawing logic under WASM architecture

#1940 - Update EFB: G-Force not global but per operator

Update logic to save G-Force slider per operator, not global

#1945 - Updated A/I EICAS messages disappear timing

A/I EICAS messages disappear timing updated

#2064 - APU ALTITUDE EXCEED cas message implemented


#2049 - Update E19x GSX

updated the E19x GSX profile

#1831 - Update Waypoint Center on MFD

MFD: Improved waypoint center logic

1820 - Update EICAS message font size

EICAS message font size improved to match the real system

#1808 - Update REV logic on EICAS

REV logic on EICAS now improved to shown in amber when opening and turn green when fully open

#1840 - Improved decals

Improved decals on MCDU Select button lines and block lines on Autobrake and Reversionary knobs

#2005 - Improved pushback faults

Improved the push back faults logic for the autobrakes

#1597 - Improved battery temp on MFD

Updated battery temp icons on MFD

#2100 - EFB: Departure environment temperature logic updated

Update the logic to fetch departure environment temperature

#2107 - Added CRZ ALT and Vspeed input with Send to MCDU

Added more configuration when using Send to MCDU feature: CRZ ALT and VSpeeds input

#2108 - Updated ALT alerter sample

Updated ALT Alerter sound sample to match the actual system

#2118 - Updated CAS Messages


#2127 - Integrated GSX pushback pin simulation

GSX pushback pin simulation integrated to prepare for NWS system

#2134 - MFD: Icons Updated

MFD Icons recolored and redesigned


#1544 - EICAS in WASM infrastructure

EICAS system now implemented in WASM infrastructure to improve stability and performance

#1622 - REF A/I System Logic implemented

REF A/I System logic now implemented in the FADEC system