E-Jets Update 0.9.30 available

We are back from our summer break! Now it's time to start the second half of the year, and we have big plans. Today's update is a bit shorter; over the last two weeks, we could only complete a few features. Nevertheless, we now have custom stairs for the ground equipment, and we have made many bug fixes and enhancements to the PFD. Our primary focus is currently on our custom FMS, and in our last status update, you were able to get a behind-the-scenes look. Today, we also want to give you an insight into our VNAV calculations.

We added a generic method to interpolate data points from an N-dimensional table, which is useful for any performance data, including VNAV, landing calculations, autopilot, engine thrust rating, or anything based on performance table data.

It's easy to perform calculations on 2-dimensional data (x/y), where on a table, x (row) and y (column) are the parameters you have. The "cell" or intersection between the x-axis and y-axis is the value you look for based on those two parameters.

Now, if we add another parameter, the table becomes a 3-dimensional table, where the point you look for is on the z-axis on the x/y surface.

If we add another parameter, it will be for the 4th dimension, and so on. Humans should not imagine how the visualization should be; we just can't, but mathematically it is possible.

Performance data parameters mostly do not depend on a single input parameter. For example, to determine "how much fuel needs to be burned," several factors are involved, such as the aircraft weight, altitude, speed, air temperature, flap configuration, etc.

We could have a 2D table for "aircraft weight" (on the x-axis) vs. "altitude" (on the y-axis), and the intersection is fuel burn. If the fuel burn also depends on air temperature, then there would be multiple tables for that weight-altitude table, like tables for ISA+10C, ISA+20C, and so on.

For VNAV, the climb phase alone will need an 8-dimensional table. The dimensions/parameters are:

  • Anti-Ice on or off
  • Thrust Mode (CLB1, CLB2)
  • Flap configuration
  • Aircraft Gross Weight
  • Altitude
  • Aircraft Speed
  • Air Temperature (as ISA offset)
  • Aircraft CG

To calculate the VNAV climb profile, we need to know "how much fuel will be burned if we are climbing from FL-A to FL-B, how long it will take, and how much distance will be traveled."

The code needs to answer that, even if there are no data points for that condition available, hence the need for interpolation based on the closest data we have, an N-dimensional interpolation.

The next step is to fill these tables with data. Once this is done, we can show you the results. You can look forward to it!

For now, enjoy the new E-Jets version!


Bug Fixes

#604 - Fixed PERF INIT Page 2/3 Cruise ALT defaulting to 5,000 ft

Incorrect behavior of Cruise altitude always defaulting to 5,000 ft fixed

#2129 - Fixed incorrect EICAS Spoiler Deflection Angle

Now the EICAS showing correct spoiler deflection angle

#1761 - Fixed MFD DME Behavior

DME on MFD now always showing

#2156 - Fixed EICAS "END" message to always show

"END" message on CAS now always showing as it should

#1927 - Fixed Flaps Selection issue

Flap selection issue which previously needed two presses now corrected

#1965 - Fixed MFD FMS/VOR distance display behavior

Distance displayed on FMS/VOR now corrected

#2181 - Fixed incorrect light knobs logic

Fixed light knobs previously worked without power

#2150 - Cabin lights logic fixed to follow Cabin Control Panel

Fixed cabin control panel not working previously when spawning on apron

#1969 - Incorrect behavior when pressing calculate on EFB fixed

Issue which the EFB adds extra fuel when pressing calculate after loading now fixed

#2160 - Fixed incorrect behavior on TO Dataset input

Fixed TO Temp unable to enter below 0 on TO Dataset

#2152 - Fixed MCDU not turned on when using batteries only

With only batteries, right-hand side MCDU now working as it should

#2208 - Flickering MCDU displays fixed

MCDU flickering displays now fixed

#2215 - Fixed incorrect flex manifest calculation logic on manifest

Fixed the Flex that previously always having OFF, now should be calculated correctly.

#2180 - Fixed incorrect Autobrake Aural logic

Fix autobrake aural to not work if there is no power

#2157 - Incorrect Hyd 3A aural logic fixed

Fixed the aural logic of Hydraulic system to make noise whenever they are on

#2183 - Incorrect Chrono behavior fixed

Fixed Chrono only working with power

#2163 - Maximum bank using HDG mode behavior fixed

Adjusted the maximum bank logic when using AP HDG mode

#1894 - E17x: Wing effects fixed

Fixed previously messy wing effects

#1917 - E17x: Fixed missing Door porthole on Exterior

E17x: Door porthole which previously missing on exterior now added

#1587 - E19x: Fixed GPU connection position

Fixed the GPU connection position on E19x variants

##2137 - E19x & E19xF: Wing effects fixed

Fixed the wing effects on the E19x and E19xFreighter variants

#2146 - E19xF: Fixed missing Cargo Cabin lights emissive

E19xFreighter: Missing cargo cabin lights emissive now fixed

#2155 - E190F: Nose wheel not turning fixed

E190Freighter: Nose wheel not turning now fixed


#2189 - Vert Profile Range Improved

Improved the Vertical profile range to show more under the aircraft than above it

#2087 - ACP Minimum Brightness improved

Improved the ACP minimum brightness to mimics the real instrument

#1838 - Improve Vr vs V2 speed logic

Speeds logic improved to ensure correct correlation between Vr and V2

#1641 - Vertical Profile logic updated

Improved Plan page and Main Status page to always show vertical profile

#2015 - MCDU: PERF INIT 3/3 Speeds logic implemented

Update the PEFT INIT 3/3 Speeds input logict

#1956 - MCDU: Vspeeds input from Simbrief import saved

MCDU V speed values now saved when loaded in the Takeoff init page

#2121 - Implemented small delay between flap changes on FMS Speeds

Now the logic updated to add small between flap changes

#2092 - Implemented correct shortcut on PERF PLAN page

Updated the MCDU so PERF PLAN shortcut appears on 6R LSK on the FPL page

#2202 - APU heat blur position updated

Update the APU Heat blur position

#2084 - MCDU: Landing init weight calculation logic updated

The landing weight number on landing init logic now updated to show ZFW + the EFOB at destination

#2195 - Update MFD cursor on menus logic

The MFD cursor now only show on the menu bars, not on the entire MFD

#1991 - Improved ACP LED brightness level

The ACP LED brightness level now updated to match the actual instrument

#1993 - Emissive decal on flaps improved

Improved the Emis decal on the flaps area to enhance realism

#2040 - Improved GPU Plug position on the aircraft

Updated all GPU plug connection position on the aircraft to all variants

#2165 - Improved Aural heard when power removed from aircraft

Improved sounds played when power removed from aircraft

#2186 - Vspeed callouts aural level improved

Improved the Vspeed callouts aural level

#2197 - Audio Bus logic updated

Updated the audio bus from environment to aircraft miscellaneous to prevent bad experience in volume levels

#2102 - EFB: Thousands separator updated according to units selected

Updated the thousands separator logic to change according to unit type selected

#2144 - MFD-PLAN default selection updated

MFD-PLAN set waypoint centered default selection

#2154 - XPNDR cas message implemented

CAS MSG logic updated to show the transponder is in standby if in flight (climb/cruise/approach)

#2191 - ATTND CALL button behavior updated

Updated the ATTND CALL button behavior to enhance user experience

#2207 - ELEC EMERGENCY and BATT DISCHARGING CAS messages implemented

Implemented the ELEC EMERGENCY and BATT Discharging CAS message

#2237 - Implemented APU CAS message logic

CAS Message updated to implement APU FAULT when trying to start the APU without batteries ON

#2242 - X,Y wind display implemented

Updated MCDU logic to include option to switch between Vector and X,Y will be in the MENU options when WASM to MCDU done

#1962 - Language packs for KLM liveries updated

Corrected language packs for all KLM liveries to Dutch


#1692 - Pitch Limit Indicator

PFD now included the Pitch Limit Indicators

#1942 - 3D Custom Stairs on Front and Rear Doors

3D Custom Stairs now added as an option for Front and Rear Doors to all variants

#2214 - Barrier Objects

Ground objects now enhanced to add barrier tapes between cones