E-Jets Update 0.9.32 available

It’s E-Jet time again, and we’ve got a brand new update for you! We're super excited to bring you this latest version. There's plenty of new stuff to explore, so let's get started!

3D Model

We’ve made some more improvements to the 3D model. For example, the GPU panel now opens when the cable is connected, and we toned down the wear and tear in the cockpit—yeah, we went a bit overboard last time. As requested, we’ve also added and animated the side sunshades. Another new feature is the fan blade animation when the engines are off. Depending on wind speed and direction, the blades now spin accordingly.



Until now, our autobrake system was based on the default Microsoft Flight Simulator logic. Luckily, we were provided with new data from the real aircraft, which showed significant differences compared to the simulator's results. So, we’ve implemented a completely custom autobrake logic. It now not only uses the correct braking forces but also includes a 2-second delay after touchdown (thanks to the wow sensor), just like the real thing.


APU Logic

We’ve done a lot of work on the APU in this update. First off, we now simulate the APU EGT (exhaust gas temperature) based on outside temperature and density altitude. This simulation doesn’t just apply to the first flight but continues throughout the entire session. So, if you’re doing a 20-minute turnaround, the APU might not be fully cooled down. We had access to data from the real system for this as well. Thanks to FADEC, the APU start is automatically managed, so you won’t end up in an overheat situation. We’ve also corrected the displays on the ELEC page in the MFD for various situations.


Single Engine Taxi

There are a few special details for single-engine taxi. For example, when you shut down the right engine, Hydraulic Sys 2 Pump turns off. However, this pump is responsible for things like nose wheel steering. That’s why, as soon as you release the parking brake, the pump automatically activates. We’ve had this logic implemented for a while. But in this update, we added another feature: if you set the parking brake again in this scenario, the pump doesn’t turn off right away. Instead, it stays on for 6 minutes before shutting off automatically. Real pilots are probably the only ones who would notice this, but they were the ones who suggested this improvement to us.


Progress Custom FMS

Imported route stringWe're still moving slower than we’d like, but good things take time. Nonetheless, there’s solid progress we’re excited to share with you. For example, our backend system can now import routes via SimBrief, FPL string, or MSFS flight plan. The latter is particularly interesting with FS24 around the corner. From what we know, FS24 will include a comprehensive flight planning tool that allows realistic routes with departure and arrival procedures, which can then be directly imported into our new FMC. This already works with the current FS2020, by the way.

Speaking of our new MCDU, it’s already in the simulator, though not all pages are functional yet. Here, you can see the PERF INIT page in the sim, and also as a popout. The popout is super useful because we’ve displayed the whole frame around the screen, allowing you to drag the entire MCDU to another monitor.



What's next

Custom Control Surface Logic

At the moment, the animation of our control surfaces is still handled by the standard MSFS system. In the future, we’ll be introducing our own actuator system, which will depend on both electrical and hydraulic systems. This will make the behavior of the control surfaces much more realistic, especially during ground operations.

Custom GSX and Flight Crew

We are currently working on a new module to simulate cabin and ground crew operations. In the future, we aim to simulate things like arming the doors after closing and other procedures. Along with this, there will be deeper integration with GSX. We’re still in the creative brainstorming phase, so if you have any ideas, feel free to share them with us. By the way, we can’t directly integrate the GSX 3D passengers ourselves—that’s something only the GSX developers handle. Unfortunately, we can’t say if or when they’ll be available for the E-Jets.


FS24 anyone?

Of course, you’re wondering what’s next for the E-Jets regarding Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. In the past, FSS worked with Asobo on various projects, giving us access to exclusive SDKs and APIs needed for that work. However, for the new simulator, we didn’t contribute any content, as we decided to focus entirely on the E-Jets and the 727. The downside is that we don’t have early access to the new SDK, so we can’t ensure compatibility ahead of time. In short, we don’t have any special insider information—we know as much as you do. We’d love to get SDK access soon (just like many others, probably), but that’s out of our control.

What we do know is that it will take quite a bit of effort to adjust both the C++ code and the 3D model to fully take advantage of the new simulator’s capabilities. We’ll have to see how much this impacts our current plans. We simply can’t say yet. As soon as we get our planes up and running, you’ll be the first to know! Until then, please spare us the questions about when and how our addons will be available for FS24. We just don’t know yet.


Bug Fixes

#1667 - APU inaccurate behavior after landing fixed

APU incorrect indication and behavior when turned on after landing fixed

#2325 - Fixed ground elements can be visible during flight

White squares and some ground objects visible in flight now fixed

#2088 - Removed mask deploy decal always shows ON

Incorrect decal behavior on mask button fixed

#2316 - Fixed beeping sound constantly heard in front of the plane

Now the correct sounds will be heard in front of the plane

#2254 - Autobrake behavior reworked

We revisited the autobrake effectiveness to correct the behavior

#2315 - APU ON behavior on EICAS updated

Dashed lines when APU ON now simulated

#2333 - Jetway disconnection via EFB bug fixed

Jetway connection/disconnection via EFB now working properly

#2317 - GPU cable remains after disconnection bug fixed

Rework GPU disconnection logic to fix GPU cable remains for some user

#1957 - Fixed incorrect max fuel limits in EFB

EFB: Previously incorrect max fuel limits fixed

#1652 - Custom GPU connection bug fixed

GPU connection/disconnection via EFB now working properly

#1627 - Fire test logic improved

Fire test duration now improved

#1849 - APU - GPU electrical transition issues fixed

APU-GPU transition now working as it should

#1777 - Hydraulic system logic when power disconnected fixed

Reworked hydraulic system logic when power disconnected

2060 - Engine 1 can pressurize other Hyd Sys fixed

Hydraulic system logic related to Engine 1 fixed

#1632 - Hydraulic EDP 2 causes Hyd Sys 1 and 3 to be pressurized fixed

Hydraulic system logic related to engine 2 now fixed

#1975 - APU EGT always 31 C on startup fixed

APU EGT logic on startup reworked

#2326 - Incorrect altitude tooltip value fixed

-1 tooltip value on altitude selector now fixed

#2336 - Fixed GPU cable visible after GPU disconnected from EFB

Rework GPU disconnection logic to fix GPU cable remains for some user

#2349 - E170: Exterior missing with FSS livery fixed

Updated FSS livery on E170 variants to fix exterior missing


#798 - Added localization to camera names

Added localization description to the camera names

#2221 - Circuit breaker panel background texture improved

Improve the CB panel background texture

#2210 - SRC arrow cutouts and green light removed to match actual aircraft

Now arrow cutouts and green light removed from above the SRC button

#2318 - Less cockpit dirt/scratches now applied

Cockpit dirt and scratches now improved

#2188 - Screen dirt overlay intensity reduced

Dirt on the screens now reduced

#2231 - Vent flap decals improved

Vent flap decals now added some details

#2322 - Update cockpit decals to remove 3D-ish texts

improve the 3D-is text and lines around cockpit area

#2192 - Fire test overhead texture improved

Improve the overhead fire test texture and effects

#1643 - GPU panel animation reintroduced

GPU panel door reanimated

#2331 - Master caution and master warning sound logic improved

Logic improved for the master caution and warning sounds

#1551 - Hydraulic behavior after setting parking brake OFF logic improved

Hydraulic behavior logic improved after the parking brake turned OFF

#1675 - Set parking brake OFF logic improved, GPU needs to be removed manually

Parking Brake OFF logic reworked, now GPU needs to be removed manually

#2340 - EFB : Doors and windows display logic updated

EFB: Doors and Windows display logic improved to show transition status

#2122 - Electrical logic with just GPU ON without batteries logic updated

Electrical logic updated, now working on GPU after batteries turned OFF with CAS Batteries warning triggered

#1867 - Headset/Boom/ANR decals added

Added decals to Headset/Boom/ANR

#2337 - EFB Battery discharge logic updated

EFB battery discharge logic improved to be working longer now without electricity running

#2196 - E175: Wingtip Strobe/Nav light updated

The Wingtip Strobe/Nac lights for the E175 updated according to the reference


#775 - Engine rotation on ground based on wind directions now simulated

When aircraft and wind direction correct, the engine blades now rotate on ground

#2123 - Sunshades on cockpit sides added

The sunshades on cockpit sides now added and animated