Our next E-Jets update is ready! There's a lot going on behind the scenes right now. We're rebuilding a lot of systems to make the simulation even more detailed in the future. Check out what that means below!
Tail Strike Avoidance System
The TSA function is a fly-by-wire feature designed to help prevent tail strikes during takeoffs and landings. It’s implemented in the E190, E195, and their freighter variants, controlling the pitch angle up to 20 feet above ground. We’ve implemented this as effectively as possible in MSFS. Under normal conditions, the mode works as expected. However, if you get too aggressive and pull the yoke all the way back during takeoff, the TSA system won’t be able to save you from a touch of the belly.
Autothrottle improvements
We’ve fine-tuned FLCH mode to replicate real-world behavior, where the flight director (FD) and autothrottle now work seamlessly together. Throttle adjustments are now gradual, with subtle, controlled shifts that help the plane manage speed changes smoothly. Furthermore we’ve enhanced the autothrottle response for smoother speed adjustments. Now, when you adjust the speed knob, the autothrottle won’t react instantly; instead, it waits for you to finish, pausing briefly before making any adjustments. This means you can spin the speed knob up or down rapidly without triggering an immediate response. Once the speed stabilizes on a new target, any further changes will include the same brief delay, allowing for both small and significant adjustments with realistic throttle behavior.
FMS Speed Mode
The FMS speed management has been significantly improved to align more closely with real-world aircraft behavior. Now, if flaps aren’t retracted promptly during departure, the FMS targets the appropriate approach flap speed instead of the standard 200 knots climb-out. Additionally, switching between manual and FMS speed modes now correctly maintains the cruise value without unexpected shifts, even below speed limit altitudes. We’ve also fine-tuned late flap retraction behavior. Now, if FMS speed targets the barberpole zone, the target speed will bug 10 knots below, adjusting automatically as the barberpole moves, similar to observed real-world performance. For example, with flap 1, instead of targeting 250 knots directly, it will initially bug 220, updating to 250 as conditions change. Finally, takeoff FMS speed now initially targets V2 instead of V2+10. As the aircraft accelerates, the target will increase to match the current speed up to V2+10.
As of now the FMS speed mode is reliable to use and therefore we set it to default when spawning at the apron.
3D Model improvements
We’ve added more decals, fine-tuned some cockpit details, and repositioned the EFB for a better view point. We hope you like it!
APU bleed improvements
We’ve refined the bleed air pressure behavior for the APU and engines. When the APU is running, it delivers a consistent 40-45 psi to both engines, with each readout slightly independent. During engine startup, psi readouts adjust dynamically, eventually aligning with the APU’s pressure at idle N1. Additionally, bleed pressure now responds to altitude and N1 increases, enhancing realism. If engine 2 is off and cross-bleed is closed, the psi readout drops to zero.
FS24 and custom FMS progress
As we approach the release of FS24, we're excited to share our plans for the E-Jets, the new features we’re exploring, and how this impacts progress on our overall timeline. We already have access to the FS24 SDK and the alpha build, but the aircraft isn’t performing as expected. It’s unclear right now whether the issue is on our end or simply due to an outdated build. Microsoft has stated that most addons should be compatible from the start, but we can't confirm this just yet. So, for now, we’re holding off on specifics until the final release version of FS24. Once we know more, we’ll provide a detailed status update, including a showcase of our latest progress on the custom FMS. Thanks for your patience!
PS: There will be one more update before we leave for Christmas. This will include 2 interesting new features: A deeper GSX integration including automatic flows and a landing distance calculation in EFB.
Bug Fixes
#952 - Fixed hydraulics behavior when IDGs disconnected
Hydraulics 1&2 incorrect behavior when IDG disconnected now updated, only System 3 loss
#2114 - APU: Fixed incorrect behavior if knob turned to ON when APU already ON
The APU restart behavior when knob turn ON when APU already ON now fixed
#2267 - Fixed several logics on MFD electrical page
MFD Electrical display now updated with correct logic
#2184 - Fixed A/T behavior that can be armed when no power available
Now A/T can not be armed when no power available.
#1935 - Fixed EFB right seating initialization issue
EFB Right Seating now working on simulation initialization
#2347 - MFD: Fixed Elevators indication during flight control check
MFD display now match the flight control check
#2289 - Fixed waypoint scroll not working on CoPilot side MFD
Waypoint scroll on Copilot side MFD now working
#1602 - Fixed autothrottle movements behavior
Update A/T system behavior when controlling the throttle lever to be more stable
#2218 - Fixed A/T behavior in FLCH mode
Update the throttle lever movement to be slower in FLCH-SPDE mode
#2328 - Fixed aircraft behavior when no hydraulics available
Related to new flight control surface logic, yoke attitude when hydraulics not available is updated
#2263 - Fixed control surface behavior when no hydraulics available
Related to new flight control surface logic, attitude related to the system when hydraulics not available is updated
#2304 - Fixed throttle idling timing on landing
Throttle idling timing during landing with A/T ON is updated
#2359 - EFB position updated due to conflicting clickspot with tiller
EFB position updated to avoid clickspot conflicts
#2265 - APU behavior adjusted
Updated several APU behaviors related to start up timings and CAS displayed
#2234 - APU fuel pump logic fixed
Update logic to use AC pump when available and turn off DC pump
#2269 - A/T weird behavior for small altitude change fixed
A/T logic updated for small altitude changes to be more moderate
#2384 - MFD Fuel Page: lines blinking issues fixed
Lines blinking on MFD Fuel Page now fixed
#2321 - Low Air PSI updated
PSI readings now updated as Bleed Pressure logic introduced
#2395 - Flight Control movements now matching MFD
Updated the MFD FLT CTRL page to match the flight control movements based on power and hydraulics availability
#2389 - EFB Position updated
Related to #2359, repositioned the EFB
#2350 - E170: Beacon illuminating the interior cabin fixed
Update E170 cabin to prevent beacon illuminating the cabin interior
#2262 - EICAS: "FIRE" indication added on ITT Gauges on testing
Now FIRE indication added on ITT gauges on testing
#2339 - Added logic if aircraft powered only on GPU
Logic added when aircraft only powered by GPU
#2223 - A/T behavior with speed knob changes improved
A/T behavior on throttle lever movements improved when speed knob changed
#2224 - OEI Max Thrust placard added
Added OEI Max Thrust placard
#2222 - Vacuum exhaust outflow added
Added Vacuum exhaust outflow on the exterior
#2153 - Cockpit handle details updated
Cockpit handle details now updated
#2392 - FMS reduced target speed during climb when flaps deployed
When climbing with flaps still deployed, FMS target speed now reduced
#2271 - FMS cruise speed logic updated when selecting FMS Speed from manual under 10,000 ft
When switching to FMS speed under 10,000ft the cruise speed now reduced
#2017 - FMS Speed logic now check barberpole speed
FMS speed logic now updated to check the barberpole to prevent overspeed
#2380 - Ramp horn sound adjusted
Ramp horn now adjusted to be a bit louder
#2381 - Avionics and batteries assigned to new GPU/APU logic
Avionics and batteries sound position now updated with new GPU/APU logic
#780 - New APU Bleed Pressure Simulation
Bleed pressure now have more detailed simulation
#2345 - Added new logic for the Flight Control Surface Actuators
Flight Control Surface actuators logic now introduced to enhance simulation fidelity
#1619 - E19x: Tail Strike Avoidance System (TSA) logic introduced
Tail Strike Avoidance (TSA) system now introduced