E-Jets Update 0.9.34 available

New month, new update for the E-Jets!

Christmas is just around the corner, and as a gift for your support and loyalty, we’ve packed some new features into this update. Check out what that means below!

Hydraulic System

In last version, we added a basic custom hydraulic system to the E-Jets. This included separate hydraulic actuators for each control surface. While we didn’t use all the system’s capabilities right away to make debugging easier, this setup gave us a strong foundation to refine the hydraulic system to match the real aircraft more closely.

With version 0.9.34, we’ve made big improvements to the three-circuit hydraulic system. Each circuit is now powered individually by one of the engines or an electric pump. Just like in the real E-Jets, each circuit provides hydraulic power to specific actuators. To make the system work fully, you’ll need to ensure there’s enough pressure in each circuit - if not, only some control surfaces will move. We’ve also applied this logic to the thrust reversers on both engines. These changes required a major update to the Hydraulic and Flight Control Pages on the MFD to show the new functionality.



Our addon has had an Engine FADEC Simulation for some time now. With version 0.9.34, the FADEC system has been expanded to also control reverse thrust operations. This makes using the thrust reversers feel more dynamic and realistic. Additionally, we’ve reworked the engine parameters to fix bugs and improve the overall experience, especially when using the autothrust system.



The E-Jets now perform a three-minute Electrical and Hydraulic Power-Up Built-in Test (PBIT). This includes showing the proper EICAS messages and the testing process on the corresponding MFD pages. After a successful test, the elapsed time of the last PBIT is updated. You can also manually start the test whenever needed.


A/T disconnect

We updated the autothrottle disconnect logic to match the real system. The PFD will dipslay GREEN BLINK AT warning after normal disconnect and AMBER BLINK AT warning after non normal disconnect until second push on any of the A/T glareshield or throttle disconnect switches.


Taxi behavior

The E-Jets now feature a more realistic taxi behavior. Typically, only 40-45% N1 is required to initiate movement, even near maximum ramp weight, with idle thrust sufficient to maintain 15-20 knots ground speed. For slopes or turns, additional thrust may be necessary, but idle thrust generally keeps the aircraft rolling once above 5-10 knots. In lighter configurations, the aircraft might even begin rolling without thrust input.

With both engines running, minimal power is needed - 30% N1 is usually enough to start moving, and idle thrust maintains the roll. Braking is often required to control taxi speed, except when navigating slopes or exiting turns.



We’ve added GSX automation to make ground handling easier, including boarding, deboarding, and pushback from the parking spot. However, due to our custom Weight & Balance system, please only load the aircraft through our EFB and don't use the MSFS default or GSX menu. For more details about our new GSX feature please check out our GSX automation guide.


Landing Distance calculation

A community request that was still on our list was the landing distance calculator. Originally, we wanted to include it in the EFB, but aside from the calculations themselves, it would have required a lot of UI work. Since we’re focusing on more important features like the MCDU, autopilot, and custom LNAV/VNAV, we had to make some compromises. However, we still want to fulfill your requests as best as possible, so we’re now offering a standalone application that calculates the landing distance for all E-Jet variants based on real performance data. By the way, these match pretty well in the simulator too! 

Get it here

If you have experience with serverless hosting and could help us integrate this app into a proper website, we’d really appreciate your support. Just reach out to us on Discord or via email. This is exactly why we love our community! ❤️


FS 2024 compatibility

Our progress in adapting the E-Jets for MSFS 2024 is going well. We hope to provide you with a free compatibility update within this year.



Bug Fixes

#974 - Incorrect flight control synoptic page details now fixed

Some details from the MFD-FLT CTRL page now fixed

#2403 - Fixed missing stick shaker sounds

Stick shaker sounds experienced by some user now fixed

#2272 - Fixed A/T choppy animation

Lagged/choppy animation when A/T engaged is now fixed

#2411 - Fixed doors status on MFD not sync with EFB

Door status not sync between MFD and EFB now fixed

#2412 - Fixed freighter doors status on MFD not sync with EFB

Related to issue 2411, the door status also sync for the cargo doors

#2404 - Fixed GPWS "Too Low Flaps" stucked after Takeoff

Fixed some logic to ensure the GPWS "Too Low Flaps" warning stuck after takeoff not happening anymore

#2401 - ILS below GS incorrect aural warning fixed

Updated some logic to make sure the GS aural warning not incorrectly triggered

#2402 - ILS incorrect readout/tracking on certain airports fixed

Fixed ILS tracking on some airports

#1829 - Fixed turning radius calculation

Updated turning radius logic to make it closer with the actual aircraft

#2255 - Hydraulic PBIT logic fixed

Hydraulic PBIT timing and logic now fixed

2282 - Fixed PBIT timers update logic

PBIT timers update logic now fixed according to real aircraft

#2214 - Fixed parking brake hydraulic logic

Some details regarding hydraulic system remain ON when parking brake is released

#2408 - Engine reverser cowling animation updated

Animation issues regarding engine reverser cowling now fixed

#2244 - Throttle position cyan line behavior updated

Throttle animation and blue arc update laggy when in flight now fixed

#2416 - Reverser sounds missing now fixed

Update Sound files to fix reverser missing sounds

#2404 - Fixed too low flaps arm mode aural logic

Fixed some inconsistent logic for the Too Low Flaps arm mode

#2420 - Fixed gear warning logic on landing

Fixed the gear aural warning logic after sometimes incorrectly triggered

#2405 - E170: Delta livery missing sounds fixed

Sounds missing for the E170 Delta Livery now fixed

#2394 - E19x: Aileron Droop/Hydraulic system logic updated

Fixed incorrect hydraulic logic for Aileron droop

#2431 - E19xF: Fixed EFB control for main cargo door

EFB control for main cargo door now works

#2427 - E19xF: Main cargo doors opening logic fixed

Main cargo doors operation when no power available now fixed


#681 - Reverser thrust target improved

Thrust reverser target improved to match the aircraft

#715 - Engine thrust behaviour for Taxi operation improved

Thrust behaviour for taxi (and single engine taxi) now improved

#2024 - Reverser N1 thrust behaviour improved

N1 value for the reverser thrust now improved

#2178 - Reverser logic now related to hydraulic pressure

Hydraulic pressures related to reverser now improved

#1477 - Tow lights now added

Added tow lights and animated on the front landing gear

#2407 - REV indication on EICAS updated

Added REV indication on EICAS

#2398 - Hydraulic System Improved

General improvements for the Hydraulic System

2415 - GPWS mode 1 thresholds on Step Approach improved

Improvements on thresholds for GPWS mode 1 Step Approach is done

#2432 - Improved Recirculation fans sound logic

Sound logic for the recirculation fans improved

#2433 - Improved sound sample and adjusted some logic

General improvements for the sound samples and logic done

#2434 - Improved engines sounds

Engine sounds reworked for better quality

#2179 - Cockpit Door control logic improved

Cockpit door logic without power now improved

#2147 - Added throttle aural alarm to current A/T disarm logic

Added new throttle aural warning to match the current A/T disarm logic

#2429 - volume levels improved, added bottom border for ground roll hit

Volume levels and bottom border logic for ground roll hit improved


#2354 - GSX integration introduced

GSX integration now added

#2429 - Added runway lights ground rumble

Ground effects with realistic logic now added