Hello to all trijet pilots, a new update is waiting for you! In addition to some bug fixes, there are also many improvements and new features.
Stairs: We have now added the stairs from the E-Jets. So, if GSX decides to give you a hard time, you now have control over it yourself.
INS: There are quite a few new things here. The alignment phase has now been implemented realistically. Depending on the coordinates, it can take quite a while. However, if you don't want to wait, you can simply click on the ready light to immediately complete the alignment. There's also now the option to import the SimBrief flight plan directly. We recommend following our guide for this.
EFB: You can now manually override the environment values, which is particularly helpful during approach and turnaround.
Further changes can be found in the changelog described below.
Next, we will focus on overhauling the flight model. Our Discord community has already been very active and has released a mod. Once it is mature enough, we might integrate it into the base product.
In addition, we are concentrating on completing the GNS-XLS flight management system. This will bridge the gap between the old-school INS and more modern GPS systems. Unfortunately, we cannot yet provide a specific timeline for this.
By the way, on August 24th, the official 727 Vatsim event will take place. See you there!
Changelog v1.0.2
- Bug Fixes:
- #656 - Fixed Radome Lightning Diverters liveries paint
- #995 - Fixed leading edge slats/flaps overlap due to wingflex animation
- #996 - Fixed nose wheel animation range
- #993 - Fixed AP behavior on some external NAV Equipment
- #999 - Fixed nose gear animation
- #902 - Fixed static port covered by livery
- #861 - Fixed several flickering decals
- #753 - Fixed unable to enter new takeoff airport on clipboard for turnaround flight
- #811 - Fixed sync lights behavior
- #716 - Fixed engines able to start without bleed air
- #941 - Fixed engines unable to shutdown when spawn mid-flight
- #953 - Fixed EFB takeoff/landing temp displayed only in Celsius
- #404 - DHL livery adjusted
- #984 - Fixed wheel well typo
- #899 - Emergency exit light behavior updated
- #881 - Updated several decal typos
- #989 - Windows/Doors now unable to be opened mid-flight
- #884 - Checklist animation update on FE station
- #888 - Adjusted light source on overhead to improve visibility
- #637 - Updated Reverse thrust behavior
- #695 - Wingtip/Wing/Slats model aligned
- #705 - Added Standby Battery for CIVA INS
- #750 - Autothrottle behavior adjusted when activated
- #751 - Heading bug behavior when CIVA INS active adjusted
- #845 - Realigned Left and right side flaps
- #895 - Update pressurization standby cabin rate index pip decal
- #988 - Marker beacons now flashes instead of solid
- #990 - Odd white glow under number 1 fire handle removed
- #992 - 2nd red nav light source added
- #842 - WARN light behavior updated when no power available
- #826 - Lights flickers during waiting screen fixed
- #844 - Tail skid light behavior with gear up updated
- #790 - Essential Power Light behavior updated when APU GB Tripped
- #814 - Another update on EGTs incorrect behavior
- #998 - Flap snaps to 2nd position when retracting fixed
- #712 - Fuel Pumps lights on APU power incorrect behavior fixed
- #918 - Strobe lights flashes through improved
- #487 - Standby rudder green light behavior updated
- #1000 - Fixed fuel needle behavior during engine start
- #1038 - APU unable to start fixed
- #1006 - Adjusted light knob behavior when spawned mid-air
- #1008 - Rescale gravel kit
- #1002 - Fixed power go out when connecting last gen
- #1011 - Fixed GPU connection behavior
- #1018 - Fixed GPWS Pull Up Light not extinguishing
- #1021 - FCTL Position Indicator texture updated
- Improvements
- #412 - Improved manual AC source synchronization
- #789 - Added delay on AC Meter - EXT Power Volts/Freq + GPU
- #985 - Exterior lights colors updated
- #662 - FSS Stairs integrated
- #921 - Added inop sticker for AUX Nav when not using CIVA INS
- #933 - Added inop sticker for MACH Hold as Autoland not simulated
- #558 - Exterior Stabilizer now animated
- #778 - Baggage door mesh improved
- #801 - AP/FD indicator light emissivity adjusted
- #827 - Adjusted light knobs behavior on first click
- #841 - Pull Up lights behavior adjusted
- #894 - Disbale Set Trim and Set EPR if no value inserted/calculated
- #997 - Flap jackscrew now animated
- #966 - Radio panel lights adjusted
- #943 - Flap/Slat Extension/Retraction order improved
- #773 - Slats indicator lights logic updated
- #928 - Exterior windows next to engine updated
- #422 - CIVA INS Waypoints - Simbrief Import implemented
- #446 - Cigarette holder and ashtray mesh added
- #495 - Horn Cutout animation updated
- #949 - Reverser Operating decal updated
- #950 - Winglet A rear white nav/logo lights implemented
- #986 - Altimeters - Baro decal added
- #873 - ADI - Slip/skid indicator texture updated
- #240 - Autothrottle limit to avoid EPR Exceedance implemented
- #273 - Autothrottle logic prevent push engines beyond limit
- #473 - A/T Engage lever position logic updated
- #573 - Roll axis on takeoff/landing behavior improved
- #1001 - Winglet B rear white nav light implemented
- #1005 - Tiller placard and arrows added